Event Accommodations
Find the perfect accommodation for your stay at our upcoming event.
Accommodation Type | Available at start | Separate beds | Price Sun-Thu | Price Fri-Fri | Details |
Select vacation House | 121 | 4 | €616.88 | €740.26 | KM535 |
Select vacation House | 144 | 6 | €710.08 | €852.10 | KM536 |
Select vacation House | 122 | 8 | €824.88 | €989.86 | KM537 |
Select vacation House | 15 | 5 | €685.08 | €822.10 | KM547 |
Select vacation House | 4 | 10 | €1,220.08 | €1,464.10 | KM543 |
Exclusive vacation House | 11 | 2 | €516.88 | €620.26 | Sold out! |
Exclusive vacation House | 12 | 4 | €710.48 | €852.58 | Sold out! |
Exclusive vacation House | 10 | 6 | €875.68 | €1,050.82 | Sold out! |
2 separate Beds Hotel room | 50 | 2 | €401.48 | €482.02 | Sold out! |
* There is a tourist tax of €2.12 per night.
Available services
Prices per stay, per person
Sheets & blankets
Kitchen package
Sheets & towels package
Included in Exclusive vacation house and hotel rooms
Confort service
Beds are ready to sleep, towels are prepared in the house
Additional details
The registration fee includes
- Banquet dinner
- Thursday night
- Live music
- Surprise event
- Welcome convention pack
- Meeting costs
- Sales Room
- Free access to FUNPARK (swimming pool and fun ...)
You can book a breakfast package. Prices are per person and depend on the length of your stay.
- 7 days is €77.50 for an adult and €42.50 for a child 3-12yr (7x for the price of 5)
- 5 days is €62.00 for an adult and €34.00 for a child 3-12yr (5x for the price of 4)
The diner on Wednesday and the banquet on Thursday are covered with the registration Fee.
For the other meals there are 3 restaurants on site and a supermarket. If you rent a house you have a kitchen and have the possibility to book for a kitchen package.
The program will be available later and distributed at the convention.